Our Guiding Principles


Creativity, creation and quality time
For us, children and their learning take centre stage. We offer a wide range of products comprising of more than 1000 craft items for children of all ages and abilities. Our products inspire creativity and learning through play, but also tranquillity and calm. They provide a chance for children to play together and, for a short while, to exist in a world free of digital distractions. We give friends and family the chance to socialise together at the same time as they do something creative and enriching. Not just in their age groups, but across generations.
Our products are suitable for children and adults alike. Everyone ought to be able to use and enjoy our products.

We love crafting, playing and learning
We believe in letting creativity and pedagogy go hand in hand, regardless of age. Our products encourage learning through play and crafting. We sell our products to schools, retailers and directly to end customers. That is why our products are available in both larger packages and smaller packs. We aim to be wherever our customers are.

Happiness, positivity and humour
Our employees are the most important and most valuable resource that we have here at Playbox. Together with our employees, we want to preserve and nurture that special family bond we have, and help it grow stronger. Playbox is a place where we do things together, both on work hours as well as on our spare time. When problems arise, we solve them together with a positive approach. Happiness, positivity, and humour are guiding principles at our workplace. We believe it is important that all our employees can thrive in their jobs.
It is important for us to find the right employees. IKEA founder Ingvar Kamprad’s motto – ”compensate for your own shortcomings by hiring those who are unlike yourself” – is an advice that guides us in our recruitment process. Here at Playbox we see difference as a strength!

We dare to go against the current
We dare to believe in ourselves and our expertise. This means that Playbox goes against the current whenever our gut feeling, and knowledge tell us that this is the right thing to do. We also go one step further and give that little extra to really succeed in all that we do.
We don’t follow the crowds but rather dare to tread our own path. What this means is that we dare to put our faith in creating products at home in Sweden where all our ironing bead manufacturing takes place. We also try to package much of our craft products in Älmhult. Our self-belief and ability to see the opportunities in challenge are what give us the courage to go all in on our efforts.

Quality and safety
Playbox does its outmost to always deliver safe products of the highest quality. Safety and taking responsibility are guiding principles within the manufacturing of all our products. We are constantly improving our quality and environmental efforts to ensure compliance with EU toy standards.
Taking responsibility means that we visit our factories continuously and make sure they uphold all agreements regarding both the production process and labour terms. We also maintain a presence in China via our wholly owned subsidiary, Pulebo. To meet all our goals, we have developed a purchase manual for our suppliers. It describes our process for purchasing products, materials and services and is based upon internationally recognised documents and conventions relating to human rights, environmental protections, and a secure working environment, as well as our own values and statutory requirements.
Playbox is proud to be a participant in the Business School Compliance Initiative (BSCI), which is a European business-led initiative for companies that strives to improve working conditions in the global supplier chain. And that is something we truly believe in. We also place strict requirements on our suppliers to ensure they uphold BSCI’s standards. This allows us to make sure that all our subcontractors undertake improvements within their factories and social compliance efforts.

We dare to take responsibility for the environment
For Playbox, children come before all else. We hope that for generations to come, children will be able to play and explore in the great outdoors and enjoy fresh air and clean waters that are free from pollutants. That is why, for us, placing a focus on the environment and adopting sustainable approaches are unavoidable commitments.
To further reduce our environmental impact, we also strive to find local suppliers. This allows us to take responsibility for our emissions. We are also reducing our transport distances and emissions by purchasing more components in bulk. And we are taking responsibility by always looking for more environmentally friendly alternatives to our products. We dare to take risks testing these alternatives – because a win for the environment is a win for us. That is why we have begun manufacturing ironing beads that are made entirely from renewable materials. This is just one of many environmental initiatives that we can take pride in.

Playful learning for everyone
Playbox is a source of inspiration. We inspire creativity and provide an opportunity for people to gather around a common goal that is suitable for all, regardless of age or ability. That is the feeling that we want to convey.
Simply put – everyone ought to be able to use and enjoy our products.