Weave a rug
Väva är jättekul! Såhär kan du väva en liten matta i fina färger. Kolla in pysseltipset här! Nr. 124
- Time required: 2 timmar
- Steps: 8
- Difficulty: Average

Make a knot in the metal loop and wind the thread up and down. Fasten the thread to the other loop.

Thread yarn through the eye of the weaving needle. Repeatedly thread the needle over the twine and under the twine. Leave a bit of yarn at the beginning and end to fasten on the back when you are done.

Change colours by cutting off the yarn and threading a new colour into the weaving needle. Repeatedly weave six rows of one colour and two rows of another until filled.

Attach the threads on the backside of the rug. If you want, you can weave the excess thread into the middle of the rug and tie it off there.

Cut off the weave on one side.

Pull off the thread that is attached to the other side.

Cut off the loops and tie.
