Insect hotel
Såhär gör du ett eget insektshotell. Fint, stabilt trähus med hög kvalitet. Om du vill blir det extra fint att måla med akrylfärg! Nr. 154
- Time required: 30 minuter
- Steps: 7
- Difficulty: Average

Read the instruction sheet that came with the set so that you put the right part in the right place. Add glue on the flaps and attach the base and the right side wall to the back side. Glue the two middle parts together. Add glue and attach the middle parts to the right side wall.

Add glue and attach the upper part of the wooden house to the right side wall.

Add glue on the flaps and attach the left wall to the base and the back side.

Glue and screw on the roof-ridge.

Glue and screw on the roof, apply varnish for better durability.

Fill the wooden house with e.g pine cones, dried leaves and bamboo sticks.

Ready to place it outside!